Monday, October 11, 2010

Hike of the Week--Cold Mountain

Two hikes of the's easy this time of the year, probably my favorite for hiking, especially when you get the best of fall (color) and summer (warmth). We tackled Cold Mountain on Sunday, a favorite long before Charles Frazier created a buzz. And thanks to the movie adaptation, every time I climb up there I expect (hope?) to see Jack White pop out from behind that old apple tree just above Deep Gap wearing a bowler hat and plucking a banjo. But that's just me. And although that's never happened, there a plenty of other good reasons to make the trip. Yesterday we watched two hawks playing on the updrafts, circling, diving, banking, spiraling over and over again. You could tell they were having such a good time. The color is glorious, and will be even better next weekend. I took a nap in the sun. The dogs still have not budged and it is now Monday afternoon.
So go. Climb to the top of Cold Mountain and find yourself a world away from the hustle of ever day life. Take plenty of water and allow yourself the full day. And a word to the wise...this is not a hike for the unexperienced. It is a long, unrelenting climb of at least 3 hours, so make sure you and your pooches are in shape for the haul.

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